[TYPO3-mvc] Reuse arguments in different action

Jonas Eberle jonas.eberle at d-mind.de
Mon Dec 1 12:32:03 CET 2014


this is a common pattern that I have yet solved in different (hacky, 
workaroundy) ways with Extbase. I'd like to hear your oppinions:

I have 1 plugin that represents a search form and 1 that represents the 
result list. Both need to be aware of submitted search parameters (the 
list because it needs to apply constraints and the search form because 
it needs to reflect current search constraints by prefilling fields). 
They need to be separate because they could be presented in different 
parts of one page or even solo.

How do you 'share' those arguments between 2 different plugins and their 
respective actions?

Here is how I did it in recent projects:
1) Define a HttpParametersService (just to keep it separate from the 
controller) that does some t3lib_div::_GP($key) to get the variables.
2) Just use $_REQUEST directly in the controller to get the key.
3) Use AJAX to drive the list (some projects need to be usable without 
JavaScript, so this is not always an option)

Both seems awkward and non-Extbase-evangelical. Everytime I do this I 
crawl the web to find any more elegant solutions...

Any suggestions?

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