[TYPO3-mvc] T3 6.0.x / FLUID / Template naming changes?

Thomas Hucke thucke at web.de
Mon Sep 2 21:19:23 CEST 2013

Sorry - found the answer in the depration logfile of T3 4.7:
"This is deprecated since TYPO3 4.6. Please rename the layout to 

"Thomas Hucke"  schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1378146816.492.typo3-project-typo3v4mvc at lists.typo3.org...

Hi folks,

is it correct that the naming convention for templates has been changed vom
T3 4.7 to T3 6.0?

The class Tx_Fluid_View_TemplateView contains the following snippet:

protected function getLayoutPathAndFilename($layoutName = 'Default') {
if ($this->layoutPathAndFilename !== NULL) {
  return $this->layoutPathAndFilename;
$paths =
$this->expandGenericPathPattern($this->layoutPathAndFilenamePattern, TRUE,
$layoutName = ucfirst($layoutName);

I´m sure that in prior versions the layout name remain unchanged without
this last UCFIRST command.
Unfortunately this change creates a new hurdle for extensions that should
provide cross version compatibility.

Thank for your comments


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