[TYPO3-mvc] date in textfield not showing up after sending the form

Adrian Dymorz t3 at adrian.dymorz.ch
Tue Jun 25 21:11:49 CEST 2013

Hello again,

a co-worker just fond the solution.

Instead of using

<f:form.textfield property="date"  value="{test.date->f:format.date()}" />

leaving away the parameter value brought the form to work like expected:

<f:form.textfield property="date" />

The solution was very simple indeed but I did not get it, because it was
completely different than every example I found in books and searching the

I guess it has to do with the new property mapper. If someone has an
explanation why it is not necessary to convert the date for a text field
explicit anymore I would be very interested.

Best regards

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