[TYPO3-mvc] Load extbase plugin with typoscript in TYPO3 6.0

Roland most.wanted at gmx.at
Tue Jan 22 10:34:52 CET 2013

hi anja,
hi everybody,

i still could not manage to insert an extbase plugin via typoscript in 
TYPO3 6.0.

if i understand you correctly all needed to make it work is:

++ call configurePlugin() in ext_localconf.php
++ call registerPlugin() in ext_tables.php
++ assign tt_content.list.20.your_extension_key in TS template

after reading the source code i think only configurePlugin() is 
necessary as configurePlugin *should* set 
tt_content.list.20.your_extension_key, shouldn't it?

this is how i configure the plugin in ext_localconf.php:

--- quote ---
   'TYPO3.' . $_EXTKEY,
     'ControllerName' => 'list, show',
     'ControllerName' => '',
-- /quote ---

i am not sure why EXT:extension_builder uses this as the first parameter:

--- quote ---
--- /quote ---

...i also tried only $_EXTKEY as the first parameter.

anyhow, unfortunatelly i can not find any tt_content.list.20 typoscript 
settings via the object browser.

i use TYPO3 6.0-dev.

did i miss something?

kind regards


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