[TYPO3-mvc] signal/slot issue: cannot see all paramters passed by signal

Ivano Luberti luberti at archicoop.it
Wed Apr 24 09:05:41 CEST 2013

Hi, I have a strange issue with signal slots in extbase.
I'm trying to extend powermail connecting to a signal available before a 
record is saved.
I have defined my slot in my ext_localconf.php this way:

$signalSlotDispatcher = 
$signalSlotDispatcher->connect('Tx_Powermail_Controller_FormsController', 'createActionBeforeRenderView', 
'Tx_Aippowermail_Utility_PmConnector', 'powerMailBeforeSave', TRUE);

then I have written my class and my method as this:

class Tx_Aippowermail_Utility_PmConnector {

     function powerMailBeforeSave(array $signalArguments){




The signal in powermail is this:

         $this->signalSlotDispatcher->dispatch(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__ . 
'BeforeRenderView', array($field, $form, $mail, $this));

The issue is that $signalArguments== $field instead of array($field, 
$form, $mail, $this)

I don't believe is an issue with powermail because I have dbugged the


method and in

call_user_func_array(array($object, $slotInformation['method']), 

the $slotArguments is populated correctly.

Thanks for any help.

dott. Ivano Mario Luberti
Archimede Informatica societa' cooperativa a r. l.
Sede Operativa
Via Gereschi 36 - 56126- Pisa
tel.: +39-050- 580959
tel/fax: +39-050-9711344
web: www.archicoop.it

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