[TYPO3-mvc] t3lib_utility_Debug::debug($myVar, 'myName'); no output

Roland most.wanted at gmx.at
Wed Oct 31 15:20:23 CET 2012


you could try to append a die(); after the 

kind regards.


Am 30.10.12 11:48, schrieb Gerhard Mehsel:
> Hello Sebastian,
> thank you for that hint!
> Unfortunately there is still no output. I tried
> Tx_Extbase_Utility_Debugger::var_dump($myModel);
> in my ActionController->indexAction. Where should the output occur? In
> devlog?
> Also the debug viewhelper does not do any output:
> <f:debug title="my debug">{models}</f:debug>
> Am 30.10.2012 11:13, schrieb Sebastian Schreiber:
>> Hello Gerhard,
>> please use the debugger shipped with extbase Tx_Extbase_Utility_Debugger.
>> Am 30.10.2012 11:06, schrieb Gerhard Mehsel:
>>> Hello,
>>> I try to debug a extbase/fluid backend modul and have some problems
>>> with debug output.
>>> My TYPO3 4.7.5 has following settings in install tool:
>>> [SYS][devIPmask] =,::1,10.0.0.*,192.168.2.*
>>> [SYS][sqlDebug] = 1
>>> [SYS][enable_DLOG] = 1
>>> A call to t3lib_utility_Debug::debug($myVar, 'myName'); generates no
>>> output, it even supresses the output of the backend modul as a whole
>>> (Modul frame is ok, site tree is ok, but content area is a blank page
>>> in BE)
>>> A call to t3lib_div::devLog("my message", $this->extKey, 3, $myVar);
>>> generates no output in devlog extension, but i can see "my message" in
>>> firebug/firephp, but without examination of $myVar?
>>> Can anybody tell me what I'm missing? Or is there a tutorial, what
>>> extensions to use for robust debugging messages for FE and BE
>>> extensions?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Gerd
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