[TYPO3-mvc] tx_news: Restrict creation of news to pid

Kay Strobach typo3 at kay-strobach.de
Tue Oct 2 10:16:50 CEST 2012

Am 01.10.2012 16:40, schrieb kopfstand_Sören Kracker:
> Hi,
> is it possible to restrict creation of new news to a page? News records
> should only be added to the sysfolder containing all news.
> In extbase there are settings like newRecordStoragePid but this doesn't
> seem to work. But maybe I've done something wrong with that setting. Any
> ideas?

This settings is for fe use.

If you want to restrict that, you may set the allowedFolder / Pages
settings in tca in a custom news_extension (which extends news).

The creation of news is only possible on e.g. sysfolders.

Otherwise you may use the preDB hook in tcemain and modify the pid field
of news records directly.


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