[TYPO3-mvc] own Tx_Extbase_MVC_Exception_InvalidArgumentValue handler

Claus Due claus at wildside.dk
Sat Jul 7 14:04:12 CEST 2012

Hi Simon,

One way is this:

- Add an initializeXyzAction() method
- Perform validation here using $this->request->getArgument('name');
- Manually add ValidationErrors to an array and $this->request->setErrors($errorArray)
- Let the object on your "real" method be an optional argument
- Remove the argument if the validation problem was an incorrect UID (optional, see next)

This should make sure that you will get a NULL object but all validation errors, and assuming
you've used the correct argument name (dotted syntax) you can even add the validation
errors directly to the the object's properties instead of completely rejecting it - which could be

InitializeXyzAction comes after request arguments are mapped and also after all properties
have been built (including flash message container). In addition, the errors will of course
trigger the usual error behavior in forms etc.

Hope this helps. It's been a long time since I've done this, so please excuse if some parts are
unclear or incorrect according to your Extbase version…


On Jul 7, 2012, at 1:42 PM, Simon Schaufelberger (Schaufi) wrote:

> Hi,
> i need some help with extbase internals.
> i found this very helpful snippet to avoid exceptions if the url contains an invalid id of an object like index.php?tx_myext_pi1[foo]=2&<controller, action...>
> https://gist.github.com/1014442
> i modified it a bit to add a flash message and redirect to another page. the redirect works but the flash message will not be show.
> This is the code in my controller:
> /**
> * @return void
> */
> public function mapRequestArgumentsToControllerArguments() {
> 	try {
> 		parent::mapRequestArgumentsToControllerArguments();
> 	} catch (Tx_Extbase_MVC_Exception_InvalidArgumentValue $exception) {
> 		$this->flashMessageContainer->add('test');
> 		$this->redirect('list', 'Advertisement', NULL, NULL, 'pinboard');
> 	}
> }
> when i print_r() of the flashMessageContainer, i get an object back. i don't know much about extbase internals but somehow this flash message will not be added correctly. i guess since this code will be executed quite early, the flashMessageContainer is not setup correctly at this time.
> what must i do to setup flashMessageContainer so that the flashmessage will be stored in the session and will be printed out on the redirected page?
> -- 
> Regards, Schaufi
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