[TYPO3-mvc] Extbase project with complex database/repository structure

Gabriel Kaufmann | Typoworx info at typoworx.de
Sun Aug 26 15:48:18 CEST 2012


I'm trying my first project with Extbase and need some help on the 
current task.

Simplified I have the following task:

I have build a simple database structure using extension-builder with 2 
Tables. The two tables, I simply call them "product" and "subscription", 
should build a simple booking. I have "products" that can be booked, 
which then should be saved in "subscription" (incl. the price and 
conditions of time they have been added).

On base of the Product::List.html build by extension-builder, I've 
managed to have a list of all available products. I would like to have 
an action-link "Buy" that will cause a createAction on "subscription".

Currently I always this error:

>   Oops, an error occurred!
> The controller "subscriped" is not allowed by this plugin. Please 
> check for Tx_Extbase_Utility_Extension::configurePlugin() in your 
> ext_localconf.php.

My ext_localconf.php looks like this - so I don't understand the problem 
thrown as error above:

> Tx_Extbase_Utility_Extension::configurePlugin(
>     $_EXTKEY,
>     'Tnmbundlebooking',
>     array(
>         'Products' => 'list, show, new, create, edit, update, delete',
>         'Subscription' => 'list, show, new, create, edit, update, delete',
>     ),
>     // non-cacheable actions
>     array(
>         'Products' => 'create, update, delete',
>         'Subscription' => 'create, update, delete',
>     )
> );

My Action-Link within Products::List.html look like this:

> <f:link.action action="create" controller="subscription" 
> arguments="{subscription: subscription}">Buy</f:link.action>

Does anyone have suggestion for me?

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