Tim Schoch | GSTALTIG tim.schoch at gstaltig.ch
Fri Sep 16 14:47:56 CEST 2011

Hi Bastian

Thank you for your hint. It works well for 1:1 relations, but not for 1:n relations. At least not how I would expect it to:
the arguments are passed as POST arguments like this:

If I set $this->arguments['object']->getPropertyMappingConfiguration()->allowCreationForSubProperty('datas'); this does only
count for [datas], but not the elements that get stored in the objectStorage itself. To make it work, I would have to provide every subelement with an own call. eg:

This may work for a fixed amount of relations, but its tedious if you have an undefined amount of child objects.
In our case, the subobjects can be added by appending form-elements with jquery so we dont know the exact amout of child
elements. What do you suggest in this case?
I think, it would be nice if the settings would be copied for each subelement if its a storageObjects.


From: Tim Schoch | GSTALTIG [mailto:tim.schoch at gstaltig.ch]
To: TYPO3 v4 MVC project [mailto:typo3-project-typo3v4mvc at lists.typo3.org]
Sent: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 11:43:12 +0200
Subject: Re: [TYPO3-mvc] where do I set "CONFIGURATION_CREATION_ALLOWED" to TRUE?

Hi Bastian, thanks for your mail.
  I've sent my last mail before I saw your reply. please ignore this mail for the moment - will report back if the problem was solved.
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