[TYPO3-mvc] How to check in a Query if sub-objects exist?

g4-lisz at tonarchiv.ch g4-lisz at tonarchiv.ch
Thu Oct 13 03:21:40 CEST 2011

Hi there,

is there a way of checking just for the existance of sub-objects?

I.e. without writing a SQL query of my own?

Here is a sample to make clear what i mean:

public function findByDemand(... $demand) {
     $query = ...

     if (($property = $demand->getProp1()) !== NULL) {
         $constraints[] = $query->equals('prop1', $property);

     [etc. for diff. requested properties...]

     if ($demand->getHasPropXY() == true) {
         $constraints[] = $query->(???);


$demand::hasPropXY is set bei a checkbox of a multi search form.

The query should return all records which have (sub-)objects of propXY, 
where propXY  has a 1:n or m:n relation to the parent.

I tried this:
     if ($demand->getHasPropXY() == true) {
         $constraints[] = $query->logicalNot($query->equals('propXY', NULL);
but the result makes no sense...

In SQL this would be just an inner join without using the fields of the 
right table...

Any help wpuld be much appreciated!

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