[TYPO3-mvc] edit multiple objects in one form

Lorenz Ulrich lorenz-typo3 at visol.ch
Thu Nov 17 17:37:12 CET 2011

Hi everyone

If anyone else is interested, I just to let you know about the 
approach/workaround I took in the meantime:

I iterate over all related objects (here: artistical works) of a user 
and create the fields like this:

<f:form.textfield name="work[{work.uid}][creationyear]" 
value="{work.creationyear}" />

I submit the form to the multiUpdateAction in my controller that 
iterates on the request and updates the value for each object:

$works = $this->request->getArgument('work');
foreach ($works as $uid => $work) {
	$work['uid'] = $uid;
	$workObject = $this->workRepository->findByUid($uid);

Might be a bit hacky, but works. I'm using it for an IRRE-like frontend 
where the user can sort and edit his works in a JQuery sortable accordion.

Best regards,


Am 17.11.2011 15:14, schrieb Lorenz Ulrich:

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