[TYPO3-mvc] fluid problem with assigned variable

Johannes C. Schulz - EnzephaloN IT-Solutions info at enzephalon.de
Tue Nov 15 13:34:51 CET 2011

Hello typo3-comunity


Today I have an curious problem. I have a fluid-template switching between
"large" and "small" by <f:if condition="{0:formtype} == {0:'small'}">.
The then-part has one error:

<input type="text" name="date_from" size="10" class="datepicker"
value="{today}" />

The {today} isn't replaced by the assigned value given by the controller.
The else-part also has this html-tag, but there {today] is replaced
{today} comes from: $this->view->assign('today',date("d.m.Y"));


Any ideas?
best regards

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