[TYPO3-mvc] Extbase/Fluid + DAM in production

Georg Ringer typo3 at ringerge.org
Sat Nov 5 09:40:50 CET 2011


Am 05.11.2011 03:42, schrieb Stefano Cecere:
> indeed, for now i just need to show DAM records in FE
> (i just discovered http://forge.typo3.org/issues/13618 .. u guess i
> could help bring DAM elements to news also)

thanks for bringing up this.

I did it a bit different, see

the main advantage with my solution is that I return just all values of
the dam records. This is needed because there are so many different
types of dam files like word files, videos, ...

This is still basic and needs a proper implementation handling all types
or at least checking for the correct ones.


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