[TYPO3-mvc] FLUID :: how can you access properties of m:n related objects?

Sebastian Schreiber me at schreibersebastian.de
Thu Nov 3 15:52:16 CET 2011

Am 03.11.2011 15:16, schrieb Roland:
>> For the getter approach you can write something like that:
>> public function getFirstZulassung() {
>> $object = $this->getZulassungen() // Or whatever
>> // Maybe you can drop the instanceof validation
>> if($object instanceof Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage) {
>> $object->rewind();
>> if($object->valid()) {
>> return $object->current();
>> }
>> }
>> }
> hi sebastian,
> ==========
> QUESTION 1: how must the comment for this getter method look like? as 
> far as i know it can be essential how exactly it looks.
> --- quote ---
> /**
>  * Gets the first related zulassung (main zulassung)
>  *
>  * @return XYZ
>  */
> --- /quote ---
> what about the @return?
> ==========
> QUESTION 2: why did you mention "Maybe you can drop the instanceof 
> validation"? what is the point here?
> ==========
> kind regards.
> roland
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Question 1:
Well, you are returning an Object Zulassung in your case, don´t you.
So @return Tx_ExtKey_Domain_Model_Zulassung

Question 2:
I add this type of validation just to be sure that we have an instance 
of Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage otherwise we will run into some 
fatal errors
if we have something different. But i thought that in your case the 
validation is obsolete, because we already know that it is an 

Sorry for mention that:
I have seen a lot of people learning essential PHP things through 
working with a MVC-framework (in my case symfony).
That´s not a good starting point. I would recommend to learn first some 
essential things like OOP in PHP and some other things.
Otherwise you will never ever feel comfortable with the framework of choice.
Maybe i´m wrong in your case, but start to learn the basics along with 
books and more. It helps a lot to get into the flow.

You are welcome

Sebastian Schreiber
(Medieninformatiker B.Sc.)
(TYPO3 Certified Integrator)

Schanzenstraße 27, Schlosserei 4
D-51063 Köln

T  0221 677 88 541
M  0176 431 05 790

Skype schreibersebastian.de

me at schreibersebastian.de

Steuernummer: 217 / 5269 / 4675

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