[TYPO3-mvc] Why don't we suck at TYPO3?

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Tue May 3 15:00:30 CEST 2011

Am 03.05.2011 14:45, schrieb Steffen Müller:
> Well, the most simple solution to prevent growing incompatibility and legacy code is:
> c) Finally decide _and_ apply a feature freeze for FLOW3.

And also the most unrealistic ;)

> So what does "big transition tool" mean at all?
> 1) Extensions written with Extbase can be easily ported to FLOW3 packages.
> 2) People of the TYPO3 (v4) community get used to FLOW3 techniques and can move upstream if they
> feel comfortable.
> 3) FLOW3 concepts are tested in real world environments by Extbase extensions. Issues found in
> Extbase can be targeted upstream.
> ATM it seems we focus on 1). But this is just one part of the story.
> 2) and 3) are also relevant.

I had the impression that 2) is the most prominent and probably important.

3) was important but as we can see this becomes dangerous. Those users of Extbase who use if for
production will not be happy with a "playground" solution, yet I find it to be an important point
(as long as folks cannot easily write real FLOW3/v5 solutions).

And there we are again. Somehow Extbase must be split into for-production and the-bleeding-edge.


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