[TYPO3-mvc] passing value to another plugin (i.e. action not in the flow)

christian oettinger christian.oettinger at gmx.de
Fri Mar 25 22:17:36 CET 2011

Hi Peter,

you got me completely right and I fully understood what you said.
One problem solved. Thank you so much - once again!


> Hello Christian,
> Am 25.03.2011 21:25, schrieb christian oettinger:
>> Hi Peter, thanks for helping!
> [...]
>> Let's forget about my request tries (that's probably wise...) and go
>> back to standard (as seen below):
>> Two Plugins are in one Controller (TrainingController). The first plugin
>> (Plugin Name "Search", leading to searchboxAction) shows the searchbox
>> form.
> If I dont misinterpret your code you have two plugins and a bunch of
> controllers.
> For GET/POST Params one plugin is using a namespace
> 'tx_arztcme_trainings' and the other one 'tx_arztcme_search'. Is that
> correct?
> Unfortunatly I can't tell you an easy way to map properties from one
> namespace to the other (however there could be one). On link/action
> viewhelpers it is easy to add arguments that are then added in the
> proper namespace. However If I get you right you want to trigger/feed
> two ("independent") instances of a plugin(or two different plugins) on
> one page with the same argument. Currently you use two different Plugins
> for that purpose.
> Correct/Are you still with me? ;)
> (1)
> My adivce/suggestion would be: just use one(!) Plugin, as that eases
> quite a few things! Actually there is no real need for two different
> plugins in most cases!
> If you only have one plugin you probably face two problems:
> - one instance is restricted to certain controllers/actions but will
> just behave like the other instance -> use flexform and
> allowedControllerActions to restrict the Controller/Actions (so one will
> always show the searchbox)
> - different templates for the same action in differnt instances ->
> either solve it by some view logis inside the fluid-template or use
> layoutVariant() [1].
> That's what I would suggest or use myself!
> (2)
> The other solution/approach is to use a initializeFoobarAction() method
> for a foobarAction() and get your hands dirty in there by searching the
> argument (if nothing else works from raw $_GET/$_POST) and then
> adding/setting it like you already described via
> '$this->request->setArgument('searchword',$hereWeFiddledGetPost);
> Since you seem to operate with one simple string value this solution
> probably could be reasonable for you.
> hth and Greets,
> Peter

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