[TYPO3-mvc] [FYI] Common Extbase critics

Fabien Udriot fudriot at omic.ch
Sun Jun 5 08:20:32 CEST 2011

 > Also we're planning to document strong and weak parts of Extbase

Good to read that as I am really hoping the documentation issue can be tackled.

 From what I have heard, the current translation of the Extbase book into English is an idle state 
more or less. I haven't read the book but I can assume it is worth having the book translated and 
then entrust the community with the update of this work. Right?

In order to boost up the translation, would it make sense to organise translation sessions during 
the coming Developer Days where people would commit themselves to translate a few pages. Doesn't 
need to be a lot... There will be enough German speaker around ;)

If we can provide the favourable context where people can contribute, I am convinced we can achieve 
big things. How does it sound?

On my side, I am willing to help in the organisation of such thing.


Ps: first draft of to do:

- provide books
- provide an online tool where people would report / communicate about their translation status. It 
could be a Wiki or ietherpad or whatever...
- have someone who can take in charge of the global communication and motivation of people
- define an area where people can sit down and work
- organize sessions / sprints (during the Coding night for instance)

On 6/1/11 6:02 PM, Bastian Waidelich wrote:
> Hi all,
> as announced in our Extbase Team Meetings (aka ETM), we've collected some of the most common points
> of criticism people expressed in Blog postings, mailing lists and social networks [1].
> Please take some minutes, read our statements and let us know if you don't agree or we missed
> something important.
> Also feel free to add topic suggestions to the Agenda for our next meeting [2].
> Bastian
> [1] <http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-mvc/wiki/Common_Extbase_critics>
> [2] <http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-mvc/wiki/ExtbaseTeamMeeting_Agenda>

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