[TYPO3-mvc] Problems with updating / mapping, related issue #9270

Michael Knoll mimi at kaktusteam.de
Mon Jan 31 17:07:41 CET 2011

Hi there,

I have a problem with updating a domain object and mapping of GP-Vars on 
Domain object.

My model "ALBUM" looks like

+ description
+ galleries --> array<gallery>
+ items --> array<item>
+ name
+ thumb --> item

+ name
+ description
+ album --> album

So there is a circular dependency between album(item) --> item and 
item(album) --> album.

When I edit an album and update it later on, I get a memory-error 
(allowed memory-size exhausted...). And if I do something like this:

     public function updateAction(Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Album $album) {
     	$this->flashMessages->add('Album has been updated!');
     	$this->forward('edit', null, null, array('album' => $album));

I get an error: The value must be of type "Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Album", 
but was of type "NULL".

My GP-Vars at this moment look like that (var_dump from 
Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_Argument::transformValue where the error occurs):

array(3) {
   string(1) "1"
   string(12) "Sample Album"
   string(53) "Description..."

So as I think, all the "required" properties that should be matched on 
my album object "are there".

Can anybody explain me this error and what I can do to prevent it - I 
haven't got any idea what's going wrong.

Thanks a lot!



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