[TYPO3-mvc] FYI: Migrating to Git/Gerrit

Christian Zenker christian.zenker at 599media.de
Wed Jan 26 15:08:05 CET 2011

On Wed, 26 Jan 2011 14:40:45 +0100, Franz Koch  
<typo3.RemoveForMessage at elements-net.de> wrote:

Hi Franz.

> well, it's a foreign read only repo, so how should I commit my local  
> changes/adoptions?

In git's terms you have your own (read & write) repository on your local  
computer and you keep it in sync with *some* other repository. Git does  
not care if this repository is considered a main repository. Committing a  
change does not send it to a central server but it is just committed to  
your local repository. That's also why you can create branches as you wish.

> I thought git would make things easier - doesn't sound like that for  
> such a simple use case though ;)

As said I haven't used svn that much, but I would not call it more  
difficult - it's different. :D It just reflects part of the underlying  
philosophy of git. Everything has to be traceable. So what you where  
trying to do would be insert a commit between the last official commit in  
the master branch and your HEAD (that is your not-yet-committed changes).

> If I got your right - whatever I do, first clone the master branch, then  
> create my local private branch and apply all changes there. I'll give  
> that a try and see how I can still keep them in sync without having to  
> move mountains for that.

You could also use stashing if you don't plan on committing your work. The  
result would be the same as it was until now with git. So you would stash  
your changes, pull the official repo and unstash your changes. You could  
even write your own little script that does exactly this with just one  
command. But using branches is used more commonly and stashing usually  
considered an advanced technique.


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