[TYPO3-mvc] sr_feuser_register, set tx_extbase_type

Stephan Petzl spetzl at gmx.at
Mon Jan 17 21:56:33 CET 2011

Am 17.01.11 18:07, schrieb Tim Schoch | GSTALTIG:
>> try using create.overrideValues - defaultValues are only defaultValues
>> for the input fields you provide in your registration form.
> Same effect. But I guess it's not an extbase problem as the direct_mail fields aren't set either.
> Gruess Tim
> GSTALTIG GMBH / www.gstaltig.ch
> Sonnenhofstr. 13 / 6020 Emmenbrücke
> tim at gstaltig.ch / 076 488 24 97

I used a hook as far as i can remember...

Best Regards
Stephan Petzl

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