[TYPO3-mvc] Having problems implementing a filter for a list like in the example sjr_offers

Sebastian May s.may at decide.de
Mon Aug 1 17:27:57 CEST 2011

Hi Franz,

sorry for the late answer, here are some snippets from the code:


    <f:form class="tx-decispeakerdb-form" method="post" action=""
            <th colspan="4">
                <f:form.submit value="Jetzt Filtern ->"/>
                <f:form.submit value="Zurücksetzen"/>
            <th><f:form.select id="themes" property="theme"
options="{themes}" optionValueField="uid" optionLabelField="title"
additionalAttributes="{onChange : 'document.demand.submit();'}" /></th>
            <th><f:form.textbox id="searchwords" property="searchword"
style="width: 200px;" additionalAttributes="{onChange :
'document.demand.submit();'}" /></th>
            <th><f:form.select id="operationareas" property="operationarea"
options="{operationareas}" optionValueField="uid" optionLabelField="title"
additionalAttributes="{onChange : 'document.demand.submit();'}" /></th>
            <th><f:form.select id="speakers" property="speaker"
options="{speakers}" optionValueField="uid" optionLabelField="fullname"
additionalAttributes="{onChange : 'document.demand.submit();'}" /></th>



    public function listAction(Tx_DeciSpeakerdb_Domain_Model_Demand $demand
= NULL) {
        $configuration =
            $this->flashMessageContainer->add('No storagePid! You have to
include the static template of this extension and set the constant
plugin.tx_' . t3lib_div::lcfirst($this->extensionName) .
'.persistence.storagePid in the constant editor');

        $numberOfSubjects =
$this->subjectRepository->findBySearchparams($demand, true);
        $numberOfSpeakers = $this->speakerRepository->countAll();
        $subjects = $this->subjectRepository->findBySearchparams($demand);

        $themes = $this->themeRepository->findAll();
        $themesNew = array();
        $themesNew[] = 'Thema wählen';
        foreach ($themes AS $theme) {
            $themesNew[] = $theme;
        $workmodels = $this->workmodelRepository->findAll();
        $workmodelsNew = array();
        $workmodelsNew[] = 'Arbeitsform wählen';
        foreach ($workmodels AS $workmodel) {
            $workmodelsNew[] = $workmodel;
        $operationareas = $this->operationareaRepository->findAll();
        $operationareasNew = array();
        $operationareasNew[] = 'Einzugsgebiet wählen';
        foreach ($operationareas AS $operationarea) {
            $operationareasNew[] = $operationarea;
        $speakers = $this->speakerRepository->findAll();
        $speakersNew = array();
        $speakersNew[] = 'Referent/in wählen';
        foreach ($speakers AS $speaker) {
            $speakersNew[] = $speaker;

        $this->view->assign('demand', $demand);
        $this->view->assign('subjects', $subjects);
        $this->view->assign('themes', $themesNew);
        $this->view->assign('workmodels', $workmodelsNew);
        $this->view->assign('speakers', $speakersNew);
        $this->view->assign('operationareas', $operationareasNew);
        $this->view->assign('numberOfSubjects', $numberOfSubjects);
        $this->view->assign('numberOfSpeakers', $numberOfSpeakers);

This Error comes up, after select on of the fields in the form.

Could not ultimately dispatch the request after 101 iterations. Most
probably, a @dontvalidate annotation is missing on re-displaying a form with
validation errors.

kind regards

Sebastian May

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: typo3-project-typo3v4mvc-bounces at lists.typo3.org
[mailto:typo3-project-typo3v4mvc-bounces at lists.typo3.org] Im Auftrag von
Franz Koch
Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Juli 2011 10:55
An: typo3-project-typo3v4mvc at lists.typo3.org
Betreff: Re: [TYPO3-mvc] Having problems implementing a filter for a list
like in the example sjr_offers

Hey Sebastian,

> Has anybody a hint for me, how to get a filter for a list working?
> Or any other examples?

what exactly is not working? Is the demand object passed to your 
controller action empty, or won't the repository deliver the filtered 
data sets? Your repository of course has to implement a special find 
method that can deal with the demand and create constraints based on the 
filter settings. Maybe you can share your code (controller action, 
repository method, and in doubt also the Fluid code) so that we can see 
where the problem might reside.

> Another problem, in the example has the function array_merge been used for
> merging the result from the query with the first element for the select
> But this also throws errors.
> $this->view->assign('organizations',
>    array_merge(
>      array(0 =>  'Alle Organisationen'),
>      $this->organizationRepository->findByStates($allowedStates)
>    )
> );

the reason for this is, that as of Extbase 1.3 the repository doesn't 
any longer return a array but a queryResultObject, and thus the 
array_merge fails. In order to get it working try adding ->toArray() 
after "findByStates(...)" (findByStates($allowedStates)->toArray()).

kind regards,
Franz Koch
TYPO3-project-typo3v4mvc mailing list
TYPO3-project-typo3v4mvc at lists.typo3.org

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