[TYPO3-mvc] [Extbase] Object doesn't get initialized.

Stephan Schreiter sphn82 at googlemail.com
Tue Oct 12 07:48:28 CEST 2010


I have the following situation:

main_domain_model -(m:n)-> user -(1:n)-> item

In my user model I initialize the items:

class Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_User extends 
Tx_Extbase_Domain_Model_FrontendUser {

 * @var Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage<Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Item> 
The items of a user
protected $items;

 * Constructor
public function __construct() {
	$this->items = new Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage;


 * Returns the items of the user
 * @return 
Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage<Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Item> The 
items of the user
public function getItems() {
	return clone $this->items;



My user model passes the unit test:

 * Testcase for the User class
class Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_UserTest extends Tx_Extbase_BaseTestCase {

 * @test
public function theItemsAreInitializedAsEmptyObjectStorage() {
    $user = new Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_User;
	$this->assertEquals(0, count($user->getItems()->toArray()));



However I get the error "Fatal error: __clone method called on non-object 
in ..." when for example the $user->getItems Method gets called during 

The 'items' attribute is somehow not initialized and it is set to 'NULL'.

I have no clue about how to trace this error down. I would highly 
appreciate if somebody could help me out with a hint on where the problem 
could actually be. Is there a general mistake I might have made here?

Best thanks,


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