[TYPO3-mvc] IRRE foreign_selector ("associative entity")

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Tue Jan 5 14:56:24 CET 2010

Martin Kutschker schrieb:
> Hi!
> Are inline records with a "foreign_selector" (and no "MM") are supported by ExtBase? If I'm not
> mistaken this would be "associative entities".
> I want to store (recording of) songs and CDs. A recording and a CD are entities. As I want to store
> the track number of a recording on a CD, the number must be stored in the relation. So with IRRE I
> would use a "real" TCA table for the relation with two select fields and a field for the track number.

Ok, here's an update of the state of IRRE support in ExtBase. The example is again with CD, Track
and Recording.

An IRRE setup with Track in the middle will be mapped by ExtBase correctly as two 1:n relations
between CD/Track and Recording/Track. As long - this is the catch - you do *NOT* set the
"foreign_label" property. For some reason ExtBase then thinks you want a n:n relation between
CD/Recording. This is IHMO a bug.

So heads up. Use the standard label and everything should work.


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