[TYPO3-mvc] Accesssing other properties during validation

Nikolas Hagelstein lists at shr-now.de
Mon Jan 4 14:47:39 CET 2010


Talking about controller argument validation, i use to solve this issue by
passing key and 
container to the validator and attaching the validator itself  to one of the
involved arguments.

E.g. I got a matchRequestArgumentValidator to compare things like password
and passwordConfirmation.

I attach it to one of the involved arguments (e.g. password) like:

@validate $password

Within the validator I use the passed options to extract the needed argument
out of the $_POST array.

Not that elegant but, IMHO there is no other way without having the
validator being aware of it's context.

Furthermore, things might get even more complicated talking about model
property validation. 

Since I am not aware of a way to pass the current instance of an domain
object to the validator. :|.

(see http://forge.typo3.org/issues/show/5044)



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