[TYPO3-mvc] Including dynamic JavaScript using Tx_Fluid_View_StandaloneView [solution]

Michiel Roos [netcreators] michiel at netcreators.com
Sat Dec 11 20:40:45 CET 2010


For a gallery extension that can be on a page N times, I needed to
include N JavaScript gallery configurations. It's also nice to have the
JS configurations seperated out of the code as templates. Certain key
values can then be configured through a flexform or TS.

The downside to this approach is that fluid has a hard time with braces
in templates. This is of course because JS also uses those braces a lot.

My solution is to replace all the { in the JS with: {openingBrace} and
all the } with {closingBrace}. And then all is fine

You can shorten those to {ob} and {cb} or whatever you like.

It won't win any beauty contests, but it works.

Here is some example code:

$class = md5(microtime());
$view = t3lib_div::makeInstance('Tx_Fluid_View_StandaloneView');


$view->assign('class', $class);
$view->assign('openingBrace', '{');
$view->assign('closingBrace', '}');
$view->assign('imageHeight', $this->settings['imageHeight']);
$view->assign('imageWidth', $this->settings['imageWidth']);



<f:layout name="default" />
<f:section name="content">
<script type="text/javascript">
    return false;
    return false;
    $('#{class}ad-prev').css('left', e.pageX - 20).css('top', e.pageY + 3);

Met vriendelijke groet / Warm regards,

Michiel Roos
Chief Technical Officer
Netcreators: Open Source, Open Minds, Open People

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