[TYPO3-mvc] allowed memory size of ~128000000 bytes exhausted

Stefan Frömken firma at sfroemken.de
Mon Dec 6 12:01:51 CET 2010


I have a simple script but a big problem. The following script don't 
works and I get a white page. Apache error.log tolds me something like this:

allowed memory size of ~128000000 bytes exhausted

After that I have updated php.ini to memory_limit 256M and now I get 
following message:

allowed memory size of ~256000000 bytes exhausted

Then I tried to print out $inks-Array and I got a VERY very long list 
and I have to push stop-button in my browser. The browser task reaches 
over 700MB.

I work with current trunk version of TYPO3 4.5.0-dev 9758.

Any ideas what I have to check?!?!

Here's the script:

class Tx_Ebsink_Controller_InkController extends 
Tx_ExtbaseKickstarter_Scaffolding_AbstractScaffoldingController {
	protected $inkRepository;
	protected $printerRepository;
	protected function initializeAction() {
		$this->inkRepository = 
		$this->printerRepository = 
	public function indexAction(Tx_Ebsink_Domain_Model_Printer $printer) {
		$inks = $this->inkRepository->findAll();
		$this->view->assign('inks', $inks);

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