[TYPO3-mvc] extbase_pager usage.

Nils Blattner nb at cabag.ch
Fri Aug 6 10:05:43 CEST 2010

Hi all

Sorry for beeing a bit inactive on the newsgroup lately, had a rather 
busy last few weeks.

I will soon update the pager extension with some bugfixes/documentation.

Anyway, step by step usage is as follows:

In the repository you need the following:

	 * Finds the questions with a category
	 * @var Tx_CabagQuestions_Domain_Model_Category $category The category 
to search for.
	 * @var int $page The active page.
	 * @var int $itemsPerPage The items per page.
	 * @var int $pageCount The pagecount, will be set by the function.
	 * @return array The result array.
	public function findByCategory($category, &$page = 1, $itemsPerPage = 
10, &$pageCount = 1) {
		if($category === null) {
			return array();
		$query = $this->createQuery();
					$query->equals('category', $category)
						'date' => Tx_Extbase_Persistence_QueryInterface::ORDER_DESCENDING
		$pageCount = Tx_ExtbasePager_Utility_Pager::prepareQuery($query, 
$page, $itemsPerPage);
		return  $query->execute();

Attention: The &'s before $page and $pageCount are important as they 
allow the function to overrule those variables from within. The function 
prepareQuery() must be run after any matching etc but before execute(). 
It will do a limit (based on the $itemsPerPage) so do NOT limit the 
query yourself.

In the Controller:

	public function questionsAction(Tx_CabagQuestions_Domain_Model_Category 
$activeCategory = null, $page = 1) {

		/* ... */

		$pageCount = 0;
		$this->questions = 
$this->questionsRepository->findByCategory($this->activeCategory, $page, 
10, $pageCount);
		/* ... */

		$this->view->assign('questions', $this->questions);
		$this->view->assign('page', $page);
		$this->view->assign('pageCount', $pageCount);

-> The returned Objects are already limited to 10 in this case.


lib.extbasepager {
    order = current,previous,items,next,jumpto

    active {
    item {
        separator = <li class="separator">|</li>
    more {
        doNotDisplay = 1
    first {
        doNotDisplay = 1
    last {
        doNotDisplay = 1
    previous {
    next {
    jumpto {
    current {
        value = {field:title} <span 
class="actPage">{field:activePage}</span> | {field:lastPage}
        value.insertData = 1

And finally in fluid:

{namespace pager=Tx_ExtbasePager_ViewHelpers}
<pager:pager typoscript="lib.extbasepager" page="{page}" 
lastPage="{pageCount}" />

Attention: typoscript="{someArray}" does not work at this point. However 
I already have a bugfix for it and will put that on forge when I get 
some time.

I hope this helped you.

As I wrote earlier, once I get some more spare time for it, I will 
certainly update the documentation.

Regards, Nils

Am 05.08.10 07:33, schrieb Jonas Dübi:
> Hi
> sorry, that we didn't find the time to answer you.
> Please add questions and issues to
> http://forge.typo3.org/projects/extension-extbase_pager/issues
> That's very important for the project!
> I'll ask Nils if he finds the time to help you.
> Best regards,
> Jonas
> Bastian Waidelich schrieb:
>> Braulio J. Solano-Rojas wrote:
>> Hi Braulio,
>>>>> I have installed extbase_pager extension and I have added this in my
>>>>> layout:
>>>>> {namespace m=Tx_ExtbasePager_ViewHelpers}
>> You will have to add this namespace declaration in every template file
>> that uses the namespace. That might seem cumbersome, but it has some
>> important advantages:
>> - the template/partial is more explicit and easier to comprehend
>> - the template/partial is re-usable
>> - auto completion will (once) work even for custom ViewHelpers
>> Only the "f" namespace is pre-defined and can't be overridden.
>>> IMHO, I think I rushed into using extbase. IHMO too, extbase is not
>>> feature complete despite the version is greater than 1.0.0.
>> The version number doesn't say anything about feature completeness
>> (Windows 3.1 wasn't feature complete and I'm sure it still isn't with
>> version 7 ;)
>>> I've been having troubles with simple things...
>> That's a pity.. But I'm sure, thats mostly the case when you start
>> working with a new framework. We're trying to lower the barriers and
>> we know, that we're not there yet. That's why it's so important to get
>> feedback and constructive criticism from the community.
>>> [...] as a MVC framework it does not follow the convention over
>>> configuration
>>> philosophy
>> Could you give an example where exactly you're missing this?
>> If you're talking about the fact, that you have to configure the
>> extension in so many different ways and places (Annotations, TCA,
>> TypoScript) I agree with you.. The reason for this is, that we had to
>> embed this framework in the world of TYPO3 without breaking the
>> existing conventions too much.
>>> (too much code bureaucracy for my taste).
>> An example would be great.
>> If you're thinking about the need to properly annotate your methods
>> and properties - I think, this is rather a feature of Extbase & Fluid.
>>> If I get the pager to work I'll send an email.
>> I didn't test the pager and I don't want to judge it at all. But be
>> aware, that this is a community extension thus it might not be in sync
>> with the current Extbase / Fluid versions.
>> BTW: We're working on a nice approach for these "extended ViewHelpers"
>> aka Widgets (see http://forge.typo3.org/issues/8773)
>> Best,
>> Bastian

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