[TYPO3-mvc] Query value objects. How can I handle it?

Jochen Rau jochen.rau at typoplanet.de
Fri Apr 30 12:34:17 CEST 2010

Hi Stefan.

On 30.04.10 12:24, Stefan Isak wrote:
> I have an entity defined as aggregate root, which has relations to some
> value objects.
>  From DDD I learnt that only aggregate roots should be obtained with database
> queries. Everything else should be handled through traversal.
> Now I want to render some sort of a filter to delimit a list view of my
> entitys. The filter should contain all existing value objects. So I should
> query those values. How can I handle it? Value objects have no repositories.
> Is there somehow a lack in my desing?

You are right: In DDD there are no Repositories for ValueObjects. But I 
suggest to be pragmatic ;-)

I did not encounter a major drawback having a Repository for 
ValueObjects -- yet ;-)


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