[TYPO3-mvc] CheckboxViewHelper does not work

Stephan Petzl spetzl at gmx.at
Wed Apr 21 18:31:36 CEST 2010

i saw there are some entries here on the newsgroup regarding the 
checkbox viewhelper. but since checkboxes are such a common ingredient 
in webapps, i can't imagine this isn't solved by now, so i'll open up a 
new thread:

i'm having a field

<f:form.checkbox property="showAddress" value="1"/><br />

first thing which caused trouble was that i did not set a value property 
("why should i"), result was that the checkbox always got checked. is 
there a reason why the value attribute is not marked as "must have"?

second issue:

only checkboxes which are checked will be included in the post, so it's 
not possible to unset a domain model's property. do we still need this 
workaround with a hidden field?

Best Regards
Stephan Petzl

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