[TYPO3-mvc] IRRE and intermediate tables

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Thu Apr 1 21:00:45 CEST 2010

Jochen Rau schrieb:
> Hi.
> Funny. IRRE (mis)uses the relation table to store (domain) data in it.
> And you (mis)use this behavior to edit a domain object table "through"
> another domain object table. It seems to me that (mis)^2=0 ;-)
> IMO a 1:n relation with IRRE doesn't support a selector ATM. But this
> may change in the future (see related post on the IRRE mailinglist
> "[TYPO3-irre] 1:n relations, selector and useCombination"). Thus the
> following configuration would not work (assuming that you have a field
> "title" in your ownership table):

What I am really missing is a table that lists a) all IRRE options available via TCA and b) a list
of terms used in this table.

The discussion of IRRE features on this list seem to mix terms coined in the DDD and various pattern
books and those used by TYPO3 in general and IRRE in particular.

eg what exactly is meant with "intermediate table"? Standard TYPO3 select fields use a table called
MM-table which is IMHO "intermediate", but maybe a table is meant with its own key (because TCA
cannot handle compound keys). But that is not the only term whose meaning is a bit vague to me.


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