[TYPO3-mvc] IRRE and intermediate tables

Jochen Rau jochen.rau at typoplanet.de
Thu Apr 1 17:56:37 CEST 2010


Funny. IRRE (mis)uses the relation table to store (domain) data in it. 
And you (mis)use this behavior to edit a domain object table "through" 
another domain object table. It seems to me that (mis)^2=0 ;-)

IMO a 1:n relation with IRRE doesn't support a selector ATM. But this 
may change in the future (see related post on the IRRE mailinglist 
"[TYPO3-irre] 1:n relations, selector and useCombination"). Thus the 
following configuration would not work (assuming that you have a field 
"title" in your ownership table):

Main table:
'owners' => array(
         'exclude' => 0,
         'label'   => 
         'config'  => array(
                 'type' => 'inline',
                 'foreign_table' => 'tx_mymovies_domain_model_ownership',
                 'foreign_field' => 'movies',
                 'foreign_unique' => 'title',
                 'foreign_selector' => 'title',
                 'size' => 10,
                 'maxitems'      => 9999,

Your solution does only work bacause IRRE "thinks" your table 
"tx_mymovies_domain_model_ownership" is a relation table as shown in the 

"offers" => Array (		
	"exclude" => 1,		
	"label" => 
	"config" => Array (
		"type" => "inline",
		"foreign_table" => "tx_irretutorial_mnasym_hotel_offer_rel",
		"foreign_field" => "hotelid",
		"foreign_sortby" => "hotelsort",
		"foreign_label" => "offerid",

Here, the 'foreign_label' causes IRRE to show up the related record 
(like foreign_selector in your case).

How to solve this? I tend to allow only "real" relation tables in 
Extbase and mark 1:n relations with a foreign_selector as unsupported 
(by IRRE).


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