[TYPO3-mvc] Something changed ... "sorting" column is ambigous

Susanne Moog typo3 at susannemoog.de
Mon Oct 5 21:47:25 CEST 2009

Hi everyone,

well, I finally came back after two or three months not working on my
shiny extbase extension and everything changed ;). Now I'm trying to get
it back working but I'm not even able to get findAll() to work. This is
my problem:

$this->addressRepository =

As soon as findAll is called there is a sql error "Column 'sorting' in
order clause is ambiguous".

Is there something special I have to set when using findAll?

FYI: the query executed is:
FROM tx_addresses_address_addressgroup_mm LEFT JOIN
tx_addresses_domain_model_addressgroup ON
tx_addresses_address_addressgroup_mm.uid_foreign =
tx_addresses_domain_model_addressgroup.uid WHERE uid_local = '1' AND
tx_addresses_domain_model_addressgroup.deleted=0 AND
tx_addresses_domain_model_addressgroup.hidden=0 AND
tx_addresses_domain_model_addressgroup.pid IN (0) ORDER BY sorting ASC"

Mainly I don't understand why
1) the "sorting" is not prefixed with a table name
2) he queries addressgroups instead of addresses

(Error occurs even if the addressgrouprepository is empty).

SQL/Ext_tables etc can be found here:

Thanks for any help.


Susanne Moog
NEUSTA GmbH - www.neusta.de

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