[TYPO3-mvc] Cache Problem: No automatic cache clearing

Julian Kleinhans typo3 at kj187.de
Mon Nov 30 22:27:17 CET 2009

Hi list,

i build a new package for my tutorials
I have a Category Controller, Model and Repository and a Tutorial 
Controller, Model and Repository. The same like the blog_example Blog 
and Post files.

To give you an overview what actions i use, here is a copy of my 

   $_EXTKEY,									  'Pi1',									  array(									    'Category' 
=> 'index,new,create,edit,update,delete,deleteAll',		    'Tutorial' => 
   array(									    'Category' 	=> 'new,edit',
     'Tutorial' 	=> 'new,create,edit',

The problem is, whatever i do, i must clear the cache manually in 
backend. The action new, edit, create, update, delete, deleteAll... no 
automatic cache clean works...

create, update, delete, deleteAll are actions in background, with no 
frontend output, thats the reason i dont add this in the second array part.

enableAutomaticCacheClearing is enabled..

I cant find any difference between my package and the blog_example, and 
the blog_example works perfect!

Its a bug, a missing configuration ? i dont know..

I hope someone can help me ;-)

cheers julian

Julian Kleinhans
Certified TYPO3 Integrator
email: typo3 at kj187.de
web:   http://www.typo3-tutorials.org

Xing: http://www.xing.com/profile/Julian_Kleinhans
Twitter: http://twitter.com/kj187

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