[TYPO3-mvc] extbase bug with exclude fields

Susanne Moog typo3 at susannemoog.de
Sun May 24 21:47:16 CEST 2009


I just debugged your code and it seems it has nothing to do with the
exclude fields but everything with the translation fields (the
sys_language relation).

It seems as if extbase is not able to handle language fields atm. I have
reported that as a bug (with a bit more info) and we'll see...




falcifer schrieb:
> Previously y wrote a email to this newsgroups with the title "MVC error 
> NO entry in the $TCA-array", now i have realized that it happends when 
> the field of my tables are marked as "exclude field" i think this could 
> be a extbase bug
> PD: i'm using revision 706 from SVN

Susanne Moog
NEUSTA GmbH - www.neusta.de

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