[TYPO3-mvc] IRRE intermediate tables

Michel Tremblay michel.tremblay at infoglobe.ca
Tue May 19 00:43:46 CEST 2009


Since IRRE intermediate tables are not implemented, I tried to use 
'MM_opposite_field' option in TCA to create a bidirectional MM relation.

Now I have an other problem with Extbase. There is an infinite loop in 
the ObjectRelationalMapper. I suppose this is normal since the first 
model contains objects from the second, who himself contains objects 
from the first...

Do you have any idea how this could be corrected? Is there the same 
problem in Flow3?

You probably wonder why would I want to do that, here is an example :

I have two models, article et tag. Articles can have several tags, and 
tags can be associated with more than one article. In the article model, 
I need to be able to get associated tags if I want to show them in the 
article single view. In the tag model, I also need a list of articles 
with this tag.


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