[TYPO3-mvc] PHP Error: 'Tx_Fluid_Core_ParsingException'

Steffen Ritter info at rs-websystems.de
Tue Jun 9 18:06:43 CEST 2009

Sebastian KurfŸürst schrieb:
> Hi Steffen,
>> also tried each="{streetIndexes}" having same error...
> This is the way it should be.
> However, I presume you have a PHP Accelerator enabled. Is this the case?
> For eAccelerator, you need to compile it with 
> "--enable-doc-comment-inclusion", so the doc comments are not stripped off.
> Greets,
> Sebastian
I have eAccelerator installed. But by now it works...
i just added an intermediate variable:
          * The Indexes
          * @var array
         protected $streetIndexes = array();

and later at the index action did:
$this->streetIndexes =  $this->streetRepository->getIndexedStreets();
$this->view->assign('streetIndexes', $this->streetIndexes);

Don't know why, but this did the job... (even if the return param of 
getIndexedStreets is documented correctly)



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