[TYPO3-mvc] Nested viewhelpers

Sebastian Kurfürst sebastian at typo3.org
Thu Dec 31 10:18:59 CET 2009


Am 31.12.09 01:58, schrieb Thomas "Thasmo" Deinhamer:
> You could try:
>     <f:form.submit value="{f:translate(key: 'general.submit')}" />
Yes, I'd suggest that syntax as well.

> Maybe also this works, but I'm not sure:
>     {f:form.submit(value: '{f:translate(key: 'general.submit')}')}
Yep, it works.

> Exactly I don't know, but you can use every ViewHelper with tags like
> <f:form.submit/> or you could use it with curly braces {f:form.submit}.
Yes, you can use every ViewHelper in both syntaxes. However in case of
no arguments, make sure to write: {f:form.submit()} (so you NEED the
braces), else fluid cannot distinguish between a single-element array
and a ViewHelper.


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