[TYPO3-mvc] How to implement a selectfield/SPLobjectArray containing different object types?

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Tue Dec 22 15:38:30 CET 2009

Franz Koch schrieb:
> My problem is now, that there are not only articles that can be assigned
> to a page, but also other content elements (like article-sets and in
> future probably more). And now I don't know how I should handle this. My
> idea was now to add a property "content" (type array?) to my page
> objects and let it contain any of the needed content elements - so
> speaking in TCEforms a group-field where different tables are allowed to
> be selected.

Is this related to a problem like how to store different products in a store? I mean all products
have an id and a name, but only books have a author/ISBN, only movies have a director, etc.

I am planning to implement such a scheme and my first idea was to use a base class "product". But I
have no idea how I can make this match with TCA types.


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