[TYPO3-mvc] Problem with Frontend Autopopulation of Property value

Daniel Kemper mail at dkemper.de
Wed Aug 26 15:22:18 CEST 2009

Hey folks,

i have a problem with my extension.

I extend the fe_groups table with a column called event_storage. The event 
storage ist a relation to the pages table.
If i´m logged in into the backend my extension is working fine. I get the 
values of the event_storage field. But without the backend login my i can´t 
get the value of the event_storage field. (my own fe_group field) I can´t 
see the property in the "_cleanProperties".

class Tx_MyExtKey_Domain_Model_FeUserGroup extends 
  * @var integer
 protected $eventStorage = 0;

  * @return mixed $eventStorage;
 public function getEventStorage()
  return $this->eventStorage;

  * sets the event storage
  * @param string $eventStorage;
  * @return void;
 public function setEventStorage($eventStorage)
  $this->eventStorage = $eventStorage;

In the ext_tables.php i added this parts.

$tempColumns = Array (
      "event_storage" => Array (
            "exclude" => 1,
            "label" => 
   'config' => array (
    'type' => 'group',
    'internal_type' => 'db',
    'allowed' => 'pages',
    'size' => 5,
    'minitems' => 0,
    'maxitems' => 5,


I know that there is a problem with ext_tables.php and the frontend module. 
But if i move it to the ext_localconf.php the problem is the same. I updated 
to the newest version.

Has anyone an idea?


Daniel Kemper

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