[TYPO3-mvc] What about an extbase-cli-script to formally check extensions

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Sun Aug 16 22:56:12 CEST 2009

Hi Joerg,

Joerg Schoppet schrieb:
> Hi,
> after some sleepless nights, searching for a bug in my extbase extension 
> and finally found it, that I simple made a type in the doc-comment of a 
> property within one of my model-classes ...
> So what do you guys think about an extbase-cli-script, which checks an 
> extbase-extension regarding to some formal correctness.
> Start should look like this:
> /path/to/typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase checkExtension
> And then you can type in your extension-name and the script checks 
> different stuff.
> As of now, I think about the following to check:
> - property-types of the properties of the model-classes (@var) -> 
> results in errors
> - property-types of the signatures of the action-methods (@param) -> 
> results in errors
> - is the autoload-file complete -> results in warnings
> - are all existing actions within the controllers also registered in 
> ext_localconf.php -> results in warnings
> - PERHAPS checking if all registered actions have a template (html, php) 
> or not if "redirect" (don't know how this could be realised) -> results 
> in errors/warnings
> Additionally, there could be the following:
> /path/to/typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase createAutoload ;-)

great suggestion. But i think a BEmodule would do it more userfriendly. 
Something like extdeveval for extbase.
But who has the time to do it?

vg Steffen

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