[TYPO3-mvc] Transition Guide for Persistance Rewrite

Bastian Waidelich bastian at typo3.org
Tue Aug 4 10:29:10 CEST 2009

Jochen Rau wrote:

Hi Jochen,

> I'd like to change this to
> $query->statement('SELECT * FROM tx_blogexample_domain_model_blog WHERE 
> SUBSTRING(title,1,1) LIKE BINARY '?' AND description LIKE '%?%' ORDER BY 
> title ASC', array('B', 'blog));
> to enable prepared statements in the Storage Backend.

+1 for prepared statements!
But usually the placeholders are quoted in prepared statements and I 
prefer that way as it takes away the responsibility of proper quoting 
(and escaping!) from the user. The statement would then be:

$query->statement('SELECT * FROM tx_blogexample_domain_model_blog WHERE 
SUBSTRING(title,1,1) LIKE BINARY ? AND description LIKE ? ORDER BY title 
ASC', array('B', '%blog%'));

see http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prepared_Statement and 

What do you think?


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