[TYPO3-shop] handleScript: cancel order, order id

Richard Hirner richard at hirner.at
Tue Nov 27 22:48:11 CET 2007


Am Montag, den 26.11.2007, 07:21 +0100 schrieb Franz Holzinger:
> > http://richard.hirner.at/typo3/payment_paypal_express.phps
> This is not puglished under GPL.
Do I have to publish this under GPL? I thought Apache2 would be OK
because it is said to be GPL-compatible.

> > 1) I didn't manage to cancel the current order. [...]
> You must not use the parameter products_finalize if it is cancelled.
I do so now, but then my handleScript is not called. Let me rephrase the
question: Is there a way to cancel the finalization if there is an
error, e.g. in the checkout process, other than using die()?

And because it fits so good here: Can I print output with $content =
"..."? I put this in the handleScript, but the $content wasn't

> alwaysAdvanceOrderNumber = 0
I tried to set this in the TypoScript constants, but it didn't work as
expected. :( I TRUNCATEd sys_products_orders and made a new order =>
three rows were created, #1 and #2 were empty & marked as deleted, #2
was used as PayPal invoice ID (i.e. getBlankUid() returned #2 to the
handleScript) and only #3 was filled with data.

Best regards,
Richard Hirner

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