[TYPO3-shop] handleScript doesn't seem to launch

christophe Bart christophe at rampazzo.com
Fri Sep 29 13:02:23 CEST 2006


I'm trying to setup  a shop using tt_products 2.5.1. and I don't find 
the way to reach the bank's payment gateway.

I tried to replace paymentActivity = finalize by paymentActivity = 
payment, i added
<input type="hidden" name="products_cmd" value="cardno" /> in the shop 

And after the payment page, i directly jump to the finalize page....

I readed all the concerning posts, and didn't find any solution.

Obviously, i missed something.
Thanks for help

Best regards

I modified the payment_DIBS.php to fit the bank's requests.

Here is my TS:

plugin.tt_products {
   createUsers = 1
   clickIntoBasket = 1
   max_note_length = 1000
   advanceOrderNumberWithInteger = 1
   alwaysAdvanceOrderNumber = 1

##CONFIGS MAILS ###############################
   loginUserInfoAddress = 1
   lockLoginUserInfo = 1
   orderEmail_to = XXX
   orderEmail_fromName = XXX.com
   orderEmail_from = XXX at XXX.com
   orderEmail_subject = Confirmation de la commande
   domain = XXX.com
   orderEmail_htmlmail = 1

##CONFIGS AFFICHAGE PRIX ######################
   priceDecPoint = ,
   TAXpercentage = 19.6
   TAXincluded = 0

   ##CONFIGS pages ###############################
   PIDagb = 111
   PIDuserFolder = 114
   paymentActivity = finalize
   PID_sys_products_orders = 112

plugin.tt_products {
##CALCUL DES FRAIS DE PORT ####################
   shipping {
     10.title = Livraison
     10.price.type = weight
     10.price.WherePIDMinPrice.9-10-11-13 = 15
     10.price.1 = 15
     10.price.20001 = 30
     10.price.40001 = 45

##CONFIG PAIEMENT #############################
   payment >
   payment {
      radio = 1
      10.handleScript = typo3/ext/tt_products/pi1/payment_DIBS.php
      10.handleScript {
       merchant = XXX
       test = 0
       relayURL = http://XXXXX.com/index.php?id=112
       cardType = VISA
       account = XXX

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