[TYPO3-shop] Review or poll function for each product?

Marco Fang marcofang at gmail.com
Tue Mar 28 20:21:16 CEST 2006

Thanks Franz,

That saves me a lot of time searching and digging in forums and search 
engines. I'll try to make an extension to fulfill those functions.


Marco Fang

Franz Holzinger Wrote:
> Hello Marco Fang,
> these functions are not available.
> To be able to add comments the code of tt_products would have to be
> extended with the possibilities offerd by the tt_board and tt_poll or
> tt_rating extensions.
> Greetings,
> Franz Holzinger
>>I'm studying tt_product functions recently, and the client wants some
>>functions that tt_products doesn't have (or I don't know if it exists).
>>Is there any comment, product review or poll functions available with
>>What I mean is the review system like eBay "Questions from other
>>members" section of the single product view.
>>Or some functions attached to each single product which can let members
>>to add product review, comments, poll for that product, sort like these.
>>Any comment or answer would help me a lot!
>>Marco Fang

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