[Typo3-shop] Backend order tracking / inline order status display (suggestion and code)

Julo Ferianc jferianc at centrum.cz
Thu Jan 5 19:17:59 CET 2006

Hi Franz, hi all,

we are receiving quite a considerable amount of orders in one of our 
tt_products shops and we are struggling with backend order management 
quite heavily. Default list of orders like
uid: customer's name (amount)
uid: customer's name (amount)

doesn't give us necessary first-sight orientation we would need. 
Therefore we are modifying classes ad-hoc with every new tt_products 
version to display orders list as
uid: customer's name (amount) /status
uid: customer's name (amount) /status

Now to why I'm writing this: I would like to suggest incorporating our 
way of orders list display as a standard tt_products way for future 
releases, until someone doesn't come up with something even better :-)

What do you think ?

BTW, when time permits, we'll planing to implement filtering of 
displayed orders by status by adding status selector. Woul anyone find 
this useful ?



PS: If you agree with aforementioned, then modification of latest 2.4.0 
release would be as follows:

### mod BEGIN ###################
File to modify: lib/class.tx_ttproducts_tracking_div.php
line 306 from

$res = 
'sys_products_orders', 'NOT deleted AND status!=0 AND status<100', '', 


$res = 
'sys_products_orders', 'NOT deleted AND status!=0 AND status<100', '', 

line 308 from

'.$row['name'].' ('.$pibase->price->priceFormat($row['amount']).' 


'.$row['name'].' ('.$pibase->price->priceFormat($row['amount']).' 
'.$conf['currencySymbol'].') /' .$row['status']).'</option>';

### mod END ###################

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