[Typo3-shop] Two row list view - 'Shop system (extended by ZK)'

Jogvan Olsen jo at atlanticvideo.dk
Wed Jan 19 14:05:51 CET 2005

Hi Franz

I am now using the new version tt_products-v0.05 and it seem to work just 
fine, but I still have problems whit my two rows listing.

Here is what I want to do:
I have a lot of similar products with different colors - for each new 
product type I have a new page in the Typo3 pagetree.

I use the category field to group the colors together.

The product list could look like this:


And I want it to be listed like this (using the LIST-code)

Product03-cat_blu | Product08-cat_blu | Product07-cat_gre | 
Product09-cat_gre | Product01-cat_red
Product05-cat_red | Product10-cat_red | Product02-cat_yel | 
Product04-cat_yel | Product06-cat_yel

But the LIST view I get looks like this:

If many products have the same category (color) I only get one row listed on 
each screen. And I still want two rows to be listed on each screen.

Product03-cat_blu | Product08-cat_blu | Product07-cat_blu | 
Product09-cat_blu | Product10-cat_blu

If there are few products whit the same category (color) I get tree (or 
maybe more, I haven't tried yet) rows listed - one row for each category.

Product03-cat_blu | Product08-cat_blu
Product07-cat_gre | Product09-cat_gre
Product01-cat_red Product05-cat_red | Product10-cat_red

It doesn't seem to matter what number is assigned to displayBasketColumns.

I help you can help me with a solution .


A suggestion to the new version of tt_products.

A nice feature you could ad to the new version of tt_products, is the 
possibility to use many images for each product and  the possibility to 
place the images where you want in the HTML template.
I have made this modifications to my version of tt_products (extended by 
ZK) - whit a LOT of help form media.res | alex widschwendter (Described in 
'Image problems In Single view' earlier in the list) - Here are my 

In the class.tx_ttproducts (tt_products (extended by ZK)) i have added the 
following near line 1500:

$val = $imgs[1];

if ($val) {
$this->conf[$imageRenderObj."."]["file"] = "uploads/pics/".$val;
} else {
$this->conf[$imageRenderObj."."]["file"] = $this->conf["noImageAvailable"];

$val = $imgs[2];

if ($val) {
$this->conf[$imageRenderObj."."]["file"] = "uploads/pics/".$val;
} else {
$this->conf[$imageRenderObj."."]["file"] = $this->conf["noImageAvailable"];

And this two lines near line 1540

$markerArray["###PRODUCT_IMAGE2###"] = $theImgCode2;
$markerArray["###PRODUCT_IMAGE3###"] = $theImgCode3;

When I make the same modifications in the tt_products-v0.05, it is almost 
working in the same way, the only problem is, where I in the HTML template 
place ###PRODUCT_IMAGE### I get all images displayed together. Where I use 
###PRODUCT_IMAGE2### and ###PRODUCT_IMAGE3### I only get the specified 


"Franz Holzinger" <franz at fholzinger.com> wrote in message 
news:mailman.1.1105945307.22281.typo3-project-tt-products at lists.netfielders.de...
> Franz Holzinger schrieb:
>> Jogvan Olsen schrieb:
>>>>> I have now installed the new shop, but the 'CODE field' is missing - I 
>>>>> get a empty dropdown menu where the code field normally is. Am I doing 
>>>>> something wrong or is it really gone?
>>> My problem is not the categories but the code field (LIST, SINGLE, 
>>> SEARCH.).
>> Oh, strange error.    :-o
>> It must have to do something with the settings in the file 
>> tt_products/class.tx_ttproducts_wizicon.php.
>> The line 41/42 has changed from
> http://fholzinger.com/typo3/development/tt_products-v0.04.zip is out now.
> However this is not compatible to the former tt_products in the CODE 
> field, because there is a Dropdown Box instead of text entry field now.
> Franz 

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