[Typo3-shop] Feature List

Volker Graubaum volker.graubaum at e-netconsulting.de
Thu Sep 16 23:19:23 CEST 2004

Hi Alex, Franz,

I understand that my idea isn`t your solution, but I think your solution 
of a quantity discount is a spezial one. I think it would be a better 
way to make the extension so flexible to change the function if you 
would like it. Most people will need a normal price. The people who need 
another calculation needs a function for their whishes.

That`s why my idea was the hook or what ever it`s called princible.

I will offer the possibility to call my own spezial price funktion.
so everybody can easy add it`s idea. Maybe would could offer a quantity 
discount (and some other) as examples. If it`s possible we could also 
make it selectable in the flexforms. (price->normal/quantity 
discount/price per squar meter etc....)

That would be really great but I think a part of the wishlist.

Greetings Volker
media.res | alex widschwendter wrote:
> hi,
>> thanks for your advice. However I will need a much more complicated 
>> function for calculating the price. I have it working already under 
>> http://fholzinger.com/typo3/index.php?id=34. But it is hardcoded and I 
>> want to integrate it in a user friendly way into the next version of 
>> the shop. Even I need a function for the payment (Nachnahme).
>> Here it is hardcoded, where the total number (total_anzahl) should 
>> depend on an article type. All articles of the same type will get an 
>> extra price calculation. How could this be made user friendly for the 
>> maintainer of the shop?
> that was the thing i meant with some sort of hook concept (is it the 
> right term for this) for the shoppingcart. so everyone can process 
> his/hers shop the way the way wanted. i think there are so much 
> possiblities on calculating shoppingcarts, that we could not provide 
> every imanginable solution!?
> alex

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