[TYPO3-ttnews] why is retrieving news as Typoscript CONTENT object so demanding of resources?

Erich Specht erich at erichspecht.com
Thu Aug 1 18:06:17 CEST 2013

I need to retrieve tt_news content via Typoscript as a CONTENT object, but I
am finding that the code below is causing the server to slow down,  reboot,
etc.  Is there anything I can do to make the SELECT more efficient?  Does
retrieving news content in this way not cause the page to cache or


Below is the code I'm using - the commented out version uses plugin.tt_news
and doesn't wreak havoc on the server.


temp.top_right_content= COA

temp.top_right_content {


  wrap = <div class="news-list-container">|</div>


   10 = CONTENT

   10.table = tt_news

   10.select.selectFields = image, tt_news.title, tt_news.short, tt_news.uid

   10.select.pidInList = {$pid_list_home_right} # uid of the sysfolder where
news records are stored

   10.select.recursive = 250 #allow content in subfolders

   10.select.max= 20

   10.select.begin = 6

   10.select.where = uid_foreign IN ( {$categorySelection_home_right} )

   10.select.where.insertData=1 #tells it to replace constants or registers


   #10.select.andWhere = image > ''


   10.select.andWhere = tx_damnews_dam_images > '' AND type = 0


   10.select.join = tt_news_cat_mm ON tt_news.uid = tt_news_cat_mm.uid_local


   10.select.orderBy = datetime desc


   #render the retrieved data

   10.renderObj = COA

   10.renderObj {


     wrap = <div class="news-list-item">|</div>


     5 = IMAGE

     5 {


          # show it only if inserted





          file.import.stdWrap.listNum = 0





         file.import.cObject = USER

                file.import.cObject {








          stdWrap.typolink {

                parameter = {$site_single_pid}

                # PAGE_ID_OF_SINGLE_VIEW


                                # create an cacheable link, that does not
depend on cooluri or realurl.

                                useCacheHash = 1


                                # add the additional params

                                additionalParams.wrap =


                                # data expects special commands

                                # "&my_extra_param=something" cannot work on

                                additionalParams.data = field:uid





     10 = TEXT

     10.field = title

     10.wrap = <h1 class="list_news_title">|</h1>

     10.typolink {

        parameter = {$site_single_pid}



                # create an cacheable link, that does not depend on cooluri
or realurl.

                useCacheHash = 1


                # add the additional params

                additionalParams.wrap = &tx_ttnews[tt_news]=|


                # data expects special commands

                # "&my_extra_param=something" cannot work on .data

                additionalParams.data = field:uid




     #subheader (called short)

     20 = TEXT

     20.field = short

     20.wrap = <p>|</p>

     20.stdWrap {

         crop = 150 | ... | 1

         outerWrap = |&nbsp;>&nbsp;more


     20.typolink {

        parameter = {$site_single_pid} 



                # create an cacheable link, that does not depend on cooluri
or realurl.

                useCacheHash = 1


                # add the additional params

                additionalParams.wrap = &tx_ttnews[tt_news]=|


                # data expects special commands

                # "&my_extra_param=something" cannot work on .data

                additionalParams.data = field:uid







#end temp.top_right_content


lib.field_top_right_content.10 < temp.top_right_content


#lib.field_top_right_content.10  < plugin.tt_news

#lib.field_top_right_content.10 {

#  code >

#  code = LIST

#  templateFile =

#  pid_list = {$pid_list_home_right}

#  catImageMode = 0

#  catTextMode = 0 

#  categorySelection = {$categorySelection_home_right}

#  catExcludeList = {$catExcludeList_home_right}

#  categoryMode = 1

#  limit = 20

#  #excludeAlreadyDisplayedNews = 0#

#  noPageBrowser = 1

#  useSubCategories = 1

#  recursive = 250




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