[TYPO3-ttnews] pagebrowser question.

Kay Strobach typo3 at kay-strobach.de
Wed Jul 4 21:31:43 CEST 2012

Hello Georg,

i need to adjust the pagebrowser to be like:

  first   prev        pages       next   last
 < div backward ><   no wrap    ><  div forward>

To achieve that i investigated the default pagebrowser and managed to
find the wraps ;)

Is there any wrap i missed to wrap the forward and backward links?

Is there any wrap i missed, which enables me to add a pipe between the

An example can be found here (navlisten):


Thanks for helping ;) - unfortionally i do have to use good old tt_news


plugin.tt_news {
	# Pagebrowser settings
	pageBrowser {
		browseBoxWrap          = <div class="ergebnisse">|</div>
		browseLinksWrap        = <div class="backward">|</div>
		activeLinkWrap         = <strong>|</strong>
		disabledLinkWrap       = <span>|</span>
		hscText = 0
		alwaysPrev = 1
		maxPages = 20
		# set this to '0' if you want the pagebrowser to display only numbers
		showPBrowserText = 0
		tableParams = cellpadding=2
		showResultCount = 0
	# Example for overriding values from locallang.php with html-code that
displays images
	_LOCAL_LANG.default {
		#<img src="symbole/vanstrich_start.gif" width="16" height="12" alt="">
		pi_list_browseresults_first = <img
src="{$layoutBaseUri}symbole/vanstrich_start.gif" width="16" height="12"
		pi_list_browseresults_prev  = <img
src="{$layoutBaseUri}symbole/vanstrich_zur.gif" width="16" height="12"
alt=""> vorige
		pi_list_browseresults_next  = nächste <img
src="{$layoutBaseUri}symbole/vanstrich_vor.gif" width="16" height="12"
		pi_list_browseresults_last  = letzte<img
src="{$layoutBaseUri}symbole/vanstrich_ende.gif" width="16" height="12"

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